Tuesday, 8 March 2011

Resources and freebies

Some of you may have noticed that my list of resource links on the right has been growing recently. In my explorations for plant science resources I've come across some fab new websites, some of which I would never have found otherwise.

I urge you to try some of them out. I don't put any old links there in that little section on the right, only the ones I think are any good (most are tried and tested) and none of that advert-loaded worksheet/weird colouring-in tat.

I particularly recommend the Ellen McHenry's Educational Inventions website which has a whole load of excellent and inventive free downloads - printable 4-stroke engine models, photosynthesis formula game etc in all subjects. The direct link to the freebies is here I was so impressed with the freebies - and the first chapter that you can download - that I've just ordered the CD for 'The Elements' in their curricula section. I may have 'A' level chemistry, but apart from some vague recollection of the periodic table and our religious chemistry teacher who thought he could play the guitar and ended up marrying one of the students, the rest is rather fuzzy. I'm not sure how this will fit in with our semi-autonomous, eclectic, chaotic education, or my tight budget, but I'm interested enough to give it a go.

In time I'll organise the links a bit better, but most are cross-curricula (that's a technical schooly term for what home ed families do all the time) so it's difficult to pigeonhole them according to subject. If anyone has any ideas, let me know. Or any excellent top-notch sites that I am yet to discover.


MadameSmokinGun said...

God you sound so clever ....... Downloads? Washing loads is as far as I get....

Big mamma frog said...

Ah...you obviously haven't learned that downloads are a wonderful displacement activity from doing washing loads.

Though the house does tend to smell after a while.

Loz said...

My DS loves the rollercoaster building site you found. many thanks.

Homeschool family said...

I just wanted to say thanks so much for the link to Ellenjmchenry.com the freebies are fab. Cue board game making over the next few weeks! x

Big mamma frog said...

You're welcome! I have no idea how I found it (some obscure link from some other obscure site I think), but I love sharing those new-found resource gems that you wouldn't find just by googling.