Friday 20 April 2012

Track your poo with Flush Tracker!

Thanks to a lovely member on alittlebitofstructure my kids were able to track the route of their poo in the sewage system here

Our poo chugged its way the ring road, crept past Tescos, turned right and stopped at a roundabout just outside a football stadium.

Where will your poo go?


kelly said...

in the septic tank, in the garden...which is no fun at all. Can you track some one else's poo??

Big mamma frog said...

I don't think they'll call in the fraud squad if you lie about your postcode :)

Ruth said...

I think you last unedited version of Poo's Travels was funnier :)

Ross Mountney said...

Love this! Actually I've always thought everyone should be responsible for their own poo - says she with a cesspit that often has problems. Nothing like having to rod your own drains - usually at Christmas - to raise awareness of our responsibilities!

Ross Mountney said...

I just nominated you in my post for the Versatile Blogger Award!

Motherfunker said...

Isn't flush tracker just the funniest? we love it in our household :-)