Saturday, 27 March 2010

The Incredible Sock-Making Woman and other tales...

Yes! Another pair!

I found this wool on my last wool-hunting expedition (the one that involved the unhygenic chip shop and a wind up toy rat). Only problem with this wool is that the repeat on the colour isn't very frequent, so I had to work really hard to get two socks that looked similar out of one ball of wool. They're very soft though. Shame I can't keep them - sent them to my mum as a belated Mother's Day present. Hopefully they'll fit. If not I'll have to do more knitting...

Other news?

Well dd has been seen in public sporting a very lovely hat. She even had a photo taken of her like this by a local attraction for her annual pass. Oh's those home educating nutters. You should see what they make their children wear.

Dd's fascination for millipedes and centipedes and other pedes is taking over the house. New tubs with their littlepede houses appear daily. Often with their lids left off. I am extraordinarily tolerant of this sort of thing, having kept various creatures in old Ferrero Rochet tubs under my bed, as a child. However when a dehydrated and rather crunchy centipede stuck to my sock yesterday and I padded around the house it did cross my mind that perhaps this isn't how normal families function.

Dd1 begged to do handwriting practice! (the alternative was a page of maths - God he must really hate maths). So he wrote some beautiful letters in beautiful handwriting...

And then put them to good use...

Don't you just love the eloquence of the English language?
Ds1 and ds2 designed their egg buggies for a home ed competition.

And the kids made puppet theatres out of cereal boxes. Well part-made. Dd was only mildly impressed with my efforts on hers, but she did enjoy the cutting out. Amazing the joy one can get from a pair of scissors and a glue stick.

And the boys were invited to a birthday party involving quad bikes.

Note the 'Oh God Mother put the camera away' look on my eldest's face... who invited the leopard to breakfast?

I hand made the costume about 7 years ago and NONE of my children have ever wanted to wear it. So what if it gets used to mop up Cheerios - we don't care. Go girl!


Carolyn said...

You may have a wierd collection of pedes going on but your hallway floor is absolutely SPARKLING!!!!!
How did you do that?!!!!
Not going to mention the socks. You are not allowed to have more success than me at socks....pair number 6 on the needles as we speak!!!!!

MadameSmokinGun said...

I see things wiggling out the corner of my eye. Worms in the toy frying pan etc.

They each have a slightly different approach to nature's little joys. When we came home after a particularly long day last week the kitchen counters were black with Tom and Jerry-esque ant platoons. Bug Boy gently scooped them all up in bowls and took several trips to set them all free outside. Later than evening they're all back - I hear bangbangbangbangbang noises and then a cheerful 'S'alright mum I've killed them al!l' from Minx.

I felt a bit funny about that but the next morning I still squirted orange dettol-y stuff down the hole I had seen them emerging from. Bug Boy wasn't around. BAD mutha.

Big mamma frog said...

Ah Dh is responsible for all things floor-like. He is master of floor OCD-ness. He is the ying of floors I am the yang (or is it the other way around?). Anyway, I make em dirty, he cleans em. I make em dirty again, he cleans em again. All other surfaces can look like firework in a chicken house, but the floor will be sparkling. Well as soon as dh gets home.

Wiggling wriggling things. I do understand the fascination with them. In fact I think bug keeping should be compulsory. Years of experimental bug-keeping was what led to me doing a degree with lots of other bug-keeping-as-a-child weirdos. Though I do wish dd would remember to keep them damp - crispy critters are so unappealing.

pass said...
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MadameSmokinGun said...

Wow - what WAS that last comment then? How come all my filth gets through? There is someone out there more offensive than me? I am partly intrigued, partly jealous and partly scared......

I wasn't your husband was it after coming home to a Prehistoric Park-esque floor?

MadameSmokinGun said...

Supposed to say 'It' not 'I'. Obviously I am not your husband.

Strange sentence to be typing that.