Monday 11 February 2008

Biology lesson? No problem, just get out the playdough.

Today we spent the morning trying to tidy up a little in preparation for some friends who are coming to stay. I had just managed to clean up the kitchen after preparing some meals for the week when dd1 came in and insisted on making some playdough.Half an hour later, with 2 saucepans encrusted with burnt - or at least very well cooked - playdough and a kitchen that looked like a food fight in a bakery we had successfully made two batches of playdough. The dog cheerfully hoovered up the flour that dd1 had sprinkled all over the floor while I'd been otherwise occupied. I'm not sure what flour does to a dog's digestive system, but I'm guessing we'll find out tomorrow. He's also eaten a raw french bean and two cooked leaves of Kale out the bin in the past few days, so it could be an explosive combination!

The boys, hearing that we were making playdough, didn't want to be left out and had soon acquired most of dd1's playdough in their usual brotherly way and were creating things on the conservatory table. After a while of making 'worms' using one of our playdough contraptions, dd1 decided he could use them to make a brain and set about making quite a good likeness with some red playdough.

****************************THE BRAIN (in playdough)

Then he moved onto creating some intestines. He wasn't sure what they looked like, so -sensing an educational opportunity - I got one of our large, slightly gruesome books on the body from the bookshelf and popped it on the table.

******************THE INTESTINES (compared with the picture in our book)

Ds2 decided he was going to make a stomach. A while later he scrunched it up and started something else: with some glittery grey playdough he started to model what I assume is his favourite part of his body. 'Look, I've made balls in a sac'. [Oh joy!]

Ds1's piano lesson was cancelled at short notice, so the afternoon was spent hulking old tyres from KwikFit into the back of the car and transporting them to the allotment. Piled up and filled with compost they make really good containers for growing strawberries and other plants in. Last year we did a trial, putting a few on some weed suppressant material, growing courgettes, strawberries and raspberries in them. They worked pretty well, so this year I'm expanding the experiment. We did two loads (around 16 tyres), so hopefully there'll be a few spare for the kids to use to grow potatoes on their plot. I'm not sure what the people at Kwik Fit think of me, some mad mother, turning up in a people carrier with 3 kids (and a dog on their lap) and filling it up with old tyres. Still, if we get a good crop of strawberries I guess it'll have been worth it!

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